
Microsoft Simplifies Management of Kubernetes Clusters in Azure Cloud
Microsoft this week previewed Automatic, a service that automates the setting up of Kubernetes clusters on the Azure cloud ...

Microsoft Expands Scope of Azure Kubernetes Services
Microsoft's Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager makes it simpler to centrally manage multiple clusters along with a set of cost optimization tools ...

Microsoft Adds Bevy of Cloud-Native Services to Azure
At its Build conference this week, Microsoft added a slew of capabilities to make it simpler to build, deploy and manage cloud native applications in its Azure cloud computing service, including a ...

Microsoft Extends Kubernetes Reach Beyond Azure
At its Ignite 2022 conference today, Microsoft launched a series of updates to its platforms for building and deploying cloud-native applications, including the ability to deploy Azure Kubernetes Service from the cloud ...

Techstrong TV: The Need for Dapr
Mark Fussell founded the Distributed Applications Runtime project, Dapr, in 2019 which is one of the fastest-growing open source projects and is changing the landscape of how to easily build distributed applications ...

Weaveworks Allies With Microsoft to Advance GitOps Adoption
At the Microsoft Build 2022 conference this week, Weaveworks and Microsoft announced that the Weave GitOps Flux 2 platform has been integrated with both the Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and the ...

Microsoft Expands Azure Services Portfolio for Containers
At the Microsoft Build 2022 conference, Microsoft today announced that Azure Container Apps, a serverless computing framework based on Kubernetes, is now generally available. At the same time, Microsoft revealed it has ...

Kublr Integrates K8s Management Platform with Microsoft Arc
Kublr has extended the reach of its open source platform for managing Kubernetes to include integrations with the Microsoft Azure Arc service. Oleg Chunikhin, Kublr CTO, says Kublr worked closely with Microsoft ...

Four Steps to Running Microservices in Azure
Microservices architectures are becoming widely adopted, replacing the traditional monolithic application architecture. It is common to build microservices applications using public cloud infrastructure—on Azure this involves services like Azure Service Fabric, Azure ...

Microsoft Application Services Rides Azure Arc to Reach Kubernetes Clusters
Microsoft this week during its online Microsoft Build 2021 conference announced a preview of Azure application services, which leverages the Azure Arc management platform to extend the reach of a framework for ...