Cloud-Native Networking

Scaling, Security Driving Adoption of Calico Networking Software
The need to scale services and enforce cybersecurity polices are the top two reasons for adopting the open source Calico networking software ...

Buoyant Extends Linkerd Service Mesh Across Multiple Kubernetes Clusters
Buoyant updated Linkerd to enable pods running on different Kubernetes clusters to establish direct TCP connections across a flat network ...

Istio Service Mesh Officially Reaches CNCF Graduation Level
Istio has officially graduated to become a top-level project alongside Kubernetes and other cloud-native technologies the CNCF helps advance ...

Why Data Portability is Key to Cloud-Native Success
Nearly a third of the money businesses spend on cloud is going to waste. And with companies around the world feeling the economic pinch, including here in the UK, many are taking ...

Docker Inc. Adds File Synchronization by Acquiring Mutagen
Docker, Inc. has acquired Mutagen to integrate open source file synchronization and networking software within Docker Desktop ...

Remote.It Adds Ability for Containers to Share Network Services
Remote.It this week added a Docker Network Jumpbox capability to enable containers to share access to network services via a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform. Remote.It CEO Ryo Koyama said the network management platform ...

Cosmonic Open Source Project Integrates Nomad and Cilium
Cosmonic has launched an open source Netreap project to integrate Nomad, an alternative for orchestrating containers from Hashicorp, with the Cilium networking overlay for cloud-native applications created by Isovalent. Dan Norris, head ...

Red Hat Adds Interconnect and Cybersecurity Services for Kubernetes
Red Hat today added a Red Hat Service Interconnect to its portfolio that is based on an open source project that enables Layer 7 networking between application components running on different ...

Zero-Trust Kubernetes and the Service Mesh
If you’re doing security in Kubernetes, chances are good that you’ve at least heard of zero-trust. You’ve probably been asked to deploy it or at least to think about how to deploy ...

Traefik Labs Adds API Hub for Kubernetes Environments
Traefik Labs has launched a hub for Kubernetes environments that makes it simpler to publish, secure and manage application programming interfaces (APIs). Traefik Labs CEO Emile Vauge says Traefik Hub is compatible ...