open container initiative

Sylabs Deepens Singularity Support for OCI Specification
Sylabs updated its Singularity container platform to tightly integrate with containers based on the OCI specification ...

OCI Announces Distribution Specification v1.0
The Open Container Initiative (OCI) recently announced the v1.0 release of the Distribution Specification. The Distribution Specification is part of a family of container format specifications standardized by the OCI, a Linux ...

Latest Update to Harbor Registry Adds OCI Support
An update to the Harbor container registry that adds support for the Open Container Initiative (OCI) specification for Kubernetes clusters is now generally available. Michael Michael, director of product management at VMware ...

OCI Launches Artifacts Project to Reduce Registries Required
The Technical Oversight Board (TOB) for the Open Container Initiative (OCI) today announced it has approved a new Artifacts project that will extend the reach of a single repository to encompass multiple ...

OCI Specification Gets Ratified
With the ratification of an Open Container Initiative 1.0 (OCI) specification announced today by The Linux Foundation, IT organizations now should have greater confidence in the fact that container images will be ...

Docker Inc. Gives Up containerd Control
As part of an effort to mollify critics while simultaneously engendering the development of a much broader Docker ecosystem, Docker Inc. today announced it is donating a core element of Docker Engine ...

Should Docker Standardize? Lessons of Other Projects
Much has been written lately about Docker and standardization. What does Docker have to gain or lose by adopting an open container specification such as the ones from the OCI? Keep reading ...

Open Container Initiative Advances Container Standards
Moving to shore confidence in the openness of containers as a platform for a broad range of applications running on microservices, the Open Container Initiative (OCI) announced today that work has begun ...

Docker seeds source code, container market benefits
Docker handed over a good bit of its code as open source to the Open Container Initiative / AppC with the Linux Foundation in charge of it. When Docker seeds source code like that it ...