Fermyon, Wasm, Gerrit, systems, services, microservices, JFrog, AI, microservices, tools, GitOps MicroK8s Red Hat Kogito D2iQ

1 Billion Flux Downloads Show GitOps Gaining Ground

Weaveworks today says container images of its open source Flux version control software have now been downloaded more than one billion times. Flux is at the core of Weaveworks’ GitOps platform. In ...
CircleCI kubernetes SafeBreach

CircleCI Extends Kubernetes Reach of CI/CD Platform

CircleCI has extended the reach of its continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform into the realm of Kubernetes via technology partnerships with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, VMware, Red Hat and Kublr. Also, ...
Hybrid CI/CD with Kubernetes and Codefresh

Hybrid CI/CD with Kubernetes and Codefresh

Even though the public cloud has changed the way companies deploy and run applications, there are several cases (finance/healthcare) where all services of an organization are running in secure on-premise datacenters behind ...
| | CD, CI, Codefresh, kubernetes
Wercker Adds Managed Virtual Pipelines to CI/CD Service

Wercker Adds Managed Virtual Pipelines to CI/CD Service

They say the journey is its own reward. But when it comes to making the shift to entirely new approaches to building and deploying applications, many organizations prefer to focus on the ...
SecDevOps and Containers: Kill the Candy-Related Analogies

SecDevOps and Containers: Kill the Candy-Related Analogies

Google “SecDevOps” and the results show that security teams are ready and willing to jump on the DevOps bandwagon. DevOps folks talk a lot about “shifting left,” i.e., addressing issues earlier in ...
Shippable Updates Docker-Based CI Platform

Shippable Updates Docker-Based CI Platform

Shippable‘s continuous integration (CI) platform has received new automation and visibility features with the release of what the company is calling the next-generation version of the Docker-based product. Like other CI platforms, ...