SoloCon Gloo GraphQL

Aqua Security Report Reveals Container Attack Blast Radius

An analysis of 105 victims of malicious container images published today by Aqua Security today finds just over a third (36%) of hosts had multiple severe vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could be ...
mapping Backslash Red Hat edge streaming CNCF VMware Ambassador Labs value stream mapping

Containers and Kubernetes in the DevOps Value Stream

While there is no standard definition of DevOps, I think most people agree that a major goal of DevOps is to improve value by reducing lead times and removing bottlenecks in software ...
containers Kubernetes Developers with Skaffold Release

Using Containers to Build a Turnkey Dev Environment

Containers have been around since the early 1980s, when chroot was used in Unix v7 to achieve somewhat weak process isolation, but first found commercial application in the form of FreeBSD Jails ...
Why Use a System Container Instead of a Docker App Container?

Why Use a System Container Instead of a Docker App Container?

If you can use Docker containers to host individual applications, why would you want to containerize an entire operating system inside a system container using a technology such as OpenVZ and LXD? ...
Application, System, Mini: The Big Container Picture

Application, System, Mini: The Big Container Picture

Docker is far and away the biggest name in containers today. But the container ecosystem involves much more than Docker. Here’s a look at the container scene writ large, which extends well ...