DataStax Expands Cassandra Support for Kubernetes Distros
DataStax, at the online KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 event, announced it will now support the deployment of its distribution of the open source Apache Cassandra database on any distribution of Kubernetes ...
Cassandra Kubernetes SIG Picks Cass Operator for K8s
The Cassandra Kubernetes special interest group (SIG) has coalesced around the Cass Operator project as the community-based operator. Moving toward a single operator for the Apache Cassandra community has been a technical ...
DataStax Expands Cassandra Support for Kubernetes
DataStax at the online KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2020 conference released K8ssandra, a curated open source distribution of Apache Cassandra database that includes all the components required to deploy the platform ...
5 to 1: An Overview of Apache Cassandra Kubernetes Operators
Apache Cassandra is one of the best-kept open secrets in “web-scale” enterprise-grade technology platforms. The distributed open source database started at Facebook to solve its inbox search problem, taking the best ideas ...
DataStax Simplifies Cassandra Deployments on Kubernetes
DataStax has developed an Operator that makes it easier to deploy and update the open source Cassandra distributed database on top of Kubernetes clusters. At the same time, the company also revealed ...
Instaclustr Announces Three Open Source Projects That Facilitate Cassandra-Kubernetes Integration and LDAP/Kerberos Authentication
An open source Cassandra operator for Kubernetes, LDAP authenticator, and Kerberos authenticator are all now freely available via GitHub Palo Alto, California – December 12, 2018 – Instaclustr, the leading provider of completely ...
8 CNCF Projects for Cloud-Native Persistent Storage
Enacting persistent storage of data is somewhat counterintuitive when it comes to containerization. The ephemeral container is a short-lived computing environment where code isn’t stored forever. But you still need to store ...
RX-M Announces Managed Service Plus at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022
Miami, FL, Oct. 24, 2022 – RX-M, a cloud native technology consulting, training and advisory firm, announced at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon adding a new service model for Kubernetes Managed Service and SaaS ...
3 Cloud-Native Database Tools From CNCF
Unless your application is entirely stateless, it will need to store and retrieve persistent data. This is where databases come in — they employ a simple query language that allows authorized users ...
Canonical Expands Ubuntu Container Image Portfolio
As part of an update to its Ubuntu operating system, Canonical has added Grafana Loki, Apache Kafka and Apache Cassandra container images to the portfolio of images to which it provides long-term ...