Digital Anarchist – Watch What’s Next in Tech

Today, we announce the launch of the next version of Digital Anarchist, our next-generation video platform, at The content is also available on the mobile app and OTT channels on Apple TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV.

Boasting more than 1,400 videos and featuring 1,000-plus guests, the Digital Anarchist library may be the single largest collection of videos covering topics related to DevOps, cyber, cloud-native and digital transformation. It includes webinars from across the MediaOps properties, virtual event sessions, interviews from conferences around the world, DevOps Chats and more.

The new interface, video recommendations and searchable guest and video index are more closely aligned with the original vision of Digital Anarchist that John Willis and I had when we came up with the concept. Providing a consistent user experience across different platforms and applications has proven to be a challenge. We continue to work at it.

The No. 1 Source for IT News and Entertainment

Digital Anarchist is a hub with thousands of hours of information, serving as a catalyst for digital transformation that disrupts the outdated and inefficient, providing the information organizations need for a faster, higher-quality and more secure future.

Visitors and subscribers will have access to exclusive live and on-demand content from a variety of channels:

  • Virtual Events – Catch up on sessions and one-on-one interviews with industry leaders from more than a dozen conferences and virtual events hosted in the last 12 months.
  • Analyst Corner – View weekly segments hosted by Accelerated Strategies Group’s analysts and seasoned industry veterans, covering the latest trends and opportunities for businesses during these unprecedented times.
  • TechStrong TV – Live-stream TechStrong TV on Digital Anarchist three days a week or access previous episodes to hear honest and open dialogues with tech leaders and executives covering the latest news.
  • DevOps Chats – Hear the latest episodes of “fireside” podcasts featuring and Security Boulevard Editor in Chief Alan Shimel and Accelerated Strategies Group CEO Mitch Ashley, as they chat with luminaries and thought leaders in DevOps and security.
  • On-Demand Webinars – Replay webinars from, Security Boulevard and Container Journal 30 days after the live event.
  • CISO Talks – Join MediaOps CEO Alan Shimel and Unisys CISO Mathew Newfield in a bi-weekly series to explore the latest in cyberspace, featuring other experts and newsmakers in the field.
  • DevOps Unbound – This bi-weekly/monthly roundtable, sponsored by Tricentis, provides a deep-dive into DevOps, with an emphasis on continuous testing and automation. Roundtables will be open to audience interaction as well.

State-of-the-Art Studio and Video Production

Digital Anarchist features both original and third-party content. The streaming service also provides video production, distribution and sponsorship, offering opportunities for both branding and lead generation campaigns.

Using state-of-the-art digital HD equipment and dynamic post-production video editing, the Digital Anarchist team is highly qualified to create custom videos to tell your story and reach a global audience. Some of Digital Anarchist’s services include:

  • Educational series.
  • Case studies.
  • Brand marketing videos.
  • Storytelling testimonials.
  • Sponsored ads.

If you would like to have your video content featured on Digital Anarchist, reach out to us at [email protected].

In the meantime, please check out the new site and subscribe if you’d like to be the first to see the 15 to 20 new videos we add on a weekly basis. And, as always, your feedback is welcome.

Alan Shimel

As Editor-in-chief of and Container Journal, Alan Shimel is attuned to the world of technology. Alan has founded and helped several technology ventures, including StillSecure, where he guided the company in bringing innovative and effective networking and security solutions to the marketplace. Shimel is an often-cited personality in the security and technology community and is a sought-after speaker at industry and government conferences and events. In addition to his writing on and Network World, his commentary about the state of technology is followed closely by many industry insiders via his blog and podcast, "Ashimmy, After All These Years" ( Alan has helped build several successful technology companies by combining a strong business background with a deep knowledge of technology. His legal background, long experience in the field, and New York street smarts combine to form a unique personality.

Alan Shimel has 59 posts and counting. See all posts by Alan Shimel