8 Tips for Successful Container Vulnerability Scanning

Container vulnerability scanning is a critical part of container security. It involves inspecting container images and their components to identify potential security issues, weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Containers are lightweight, portable units used to package, distribute and deploy applications. They run on container engines like Docker and are managed by container orchestrators like Kubernetes.

The goal of container vulnerability scanning is to minimize the risk of deploying applications with known vulnerabilities or security flaws. This process is critical in maintaining a secure environment and ensuring the overall safety of the application infrastructure.

The Importance of Container Vulnerability Scanning

Container vulnerability scanning is an essential practice in the world of containerized applications because it helps organizations identify and address potential security risks, ensuring that their applications remain secure and resilient against threats.

Here are some reasons why container vulnerability scanning is important:

  • Manage dependencies: Containers often rely on numerous dependencies, including base images, libraries and third-party components, which may introduce vulnerabilities into your applications. 
  • Compliance requirements: Organizations may be subject to regulatory or industry-specific compliance requirements that mandate vulnerability scanning and remediation. Performing container vulnerability scanning helps organizations maintain compliance with these requirements and avoid potential fines or penalties.
  • Maintain security posture: Regular container vulnerability scanning helps maintain a strong security posture by proactively identifying and addressing security risks, ensuring that your containerized applications remain secure and resilient against threats.
  • Reduce attack surface: By identifying and remediating vulnerabilities in container images and their dependencies, organizations can reduce their attack surface and minimize the risk of security breaches.

Container Scanning Techniques

There are several types of container vulnerability scanning techniques, each focusing on different aspects of container security. Some of the most common types include:

Static Image Scanning

Static image scanning involves analyzing container images in their non-running state for known vulnerabilities in the base operating system, libraries and application components. This type of scanning typically relies on vulnerability databases, such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), to identify issues in the software packages included in the container image. 

By scanning images before deployment, static image scanning helps identify and address vulnerabilities early in the development process, reducing the risk of deploying insecure containers.

Dynamic Scanning

Dynamic scanning involves analyzing running containers to identify security issues, misconfigurations or vulnerabilities that might not be apparent in static images. This type of scanning can help detect runtime issues, such as open network ports, improperly mounted volumes or unauthorized processes, that could expose the container to attacks. 

By monitoring containers during runtime, dynamic scanning provides insights into the container’s behavior and potential security risks in a live environment.

Dependency Scanning

Dependency scanning focuses on the dependencies of the application, such as open source libraries, third-party packages or other components. It helps identify vulnerable dependencies or outdated components that could pose security risks to the application. 

By continuously monitoring and managing these dependencies, you can ensure your application remains up-to-date and secure against known vulnerabilities in third-party components.

Configuration Scanning

Configuration scanning evaluates the container’s configuration settings, such as access control, network settings and storage, to identify potential misconfigurations that could expose the system to attacks. 

This type of scanning can help detect issues like weak authentication mechanisms, unsecured communication channels or improperly configured resource limits. By identifying and addressing these misconfigurations, you can improve the security and stability of your container environment.

Compliance Scanning

Compliance scanning assesses container images and their configurations against industry-specific standards and best practices, such as the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks or the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). 

This type of scanning helps organizations ensure that their container environments adhere to security regulations and requirements. Compliance scanning can also identify deviations from established policies and provide guidance on how to remediate any non-compliant elements.

Runtime Behavior Analysis

Runtime behavior analysis involves monitoring container behavior during runtime to identify anomalies or suspicious activities that could indicate security threats, such as unauthorized data access, unexpected network connections or malware infections. 

This type of scanning leverages machine learning algorithms and behavioral analysis techniques to detect unusual or malicious activities that may not be identified by traditional vulnerability scanning methods.

Combining the Different Scanning Techniques

Each of these scanning techniques serves a specific purpose and can be used individually or in combination to provide comprehensive container security. Integrating these techniques into the software development life cycle (SDLC) and DevOps pipeline can help organizations proactively detect and remediate vulnerabilities, minimizing the risk of security breaches and data loss.

How to Implement Container Scanning

Here’s a brief overview of key steps organizations can follow when implementing container vulnerability scanning:

  1. Establish security policies and guidelines: Before implementing any scanning solution, define your organization’s security policies and guidelines. Determine which vulnerabilities are considered critical and which compliance standards your containers must adhere to.
  2. Integrate scanning into the development process: Container vulnerability scanning should be an integral part of the software development life cycle (SDLC). Integrate scanning into the entire SDLC to ensure vulnerabilities are detected early and addressed before deployment.
  3. Choose appropriate scanning techniques: Depending on your organization’s requirements and infrastructure, select the most suitable scanning techniques, such as static image scanning, dynamic scanning and dependency scanning.
  4. Automate scanning: Implement automated scanning as part of your continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This ensures that container images are scanned consistently, without manual intervention, every time a new image is built or an existing one is updated.
  5. Monitor and analyze results: Regularly review the results of the scans to identify patterns and trends in your container environment. This will help you spot potential issues and areas for improvement in your security posture.
  6. Address vulnerabilities and remediate: Prioritize and address the identified vulnerabilities based on their severity, risk, and impact on your environment. Remediate issues by applying patches, updating components or implementing configuration changes.
  7. Continuously improve: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your container vulnerability scanning process and make improvements as needed. Stay informed about new threats, vulnerabilities, and best practices in container security to ensure your scanning process remains up-to-date and effective.
  8. Educate your team: Provide training and resources to your development, operations and security teams to ensure they understand the importance of container vulnerability scanning and are equipped to address issues effectively.

By following these general steps, you can implement container vulnerability scanning in your organization and maintain a secure container environment, regardless of the specific tools or technologies you choose to use.

8 Best Practices for Vulnerability Scanning in Containerized Applications

1. Adopt a Layered Security Approach

This practice involves implementing multiple security measures at different levels of the application stack to create a robust defense against potential threats. In the context of container vulnerability scanning, this means not only focusing on identifying and patching vulnerabilities within container images but also incorporating additional security measures such as network segmentation, role-based access control (RBAC) and encryption. 

Network segmentation can help isolate containerized applications and limit potential damage in case of a breach. RBAC ensures that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive container resources, reducing the risk of insider threats or unauthorized access. Encryption, both in transit and at rest, helps protect sensitive data from unauthorized access or tampering.

2. Use a Multi-Stage Build Process

A multi-stage build process involves breaking down the container image build process into multiple stages, each responsible for a specific task. This approach can help reduce the attack surface by separating the application build and runtime environments, ensuring that only the necessary components and dependencies are included in the final container image. 

In the initial stages, you can compile and build your application using a builder image with all the required tools and dependencies. In the final stage, you can copy the compiled application artifacts into a smaller, runtime-focused image, leaving behind any unnecessary build tools or dependencies. This results in a smaller, more secure final image that minimizes potential vulnerabilities and reduces resource usage.

3. Keep Base Images Up-To-Date

Base images are the foundation upon which container images are built, and they often include an operating system, system libraries and other essential components. Keeping base images up to date is crucial for ensuring that they contain the latest security patches and updates, reducing the risk of known vulnerabilities being present in your container images. 

Regularly monitor the sources of your base images for updates, and update your container images accordingly. Additionally, consider using minimal or slim base images provided by reputable sources. These images contain only the most essential components needed to run your application, reducing the attack surface and minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities. 

4. Scan for Known Malware and Suspicious Binaries

Apart from checking for known vulnerabilities in container images, it’s essential to scan for known malware, suspicious binaries or unauthorized software that could pose a risk to your environment. Malware can include viruses, ransomware or other types of harmful software designed to compromise system integrity, steal data or disrupt operations. 

By incorporating malware scans in your container vulnerability scanning process, you can identify and remove potentially harmful elements before they infiltrate your container environment. This adds another layer of security, ensuring that your container images are not only free of known vulnerabilities but also devoid of any malicious content.

5. Validate Container Image Sources

The security of container images relies heavily on the trustworthiness of their sources. To ensure that you’re using container images from reliable origins, make sure to obtain them from trusted sources, such as verified public repositories or your organization’s private registry. Untrusted or unknown sources might distribute images containing hidden vulnerabilities, malware or backdoors, putting your container environment at risk. 

Implementing strict policies around the use of container images from approved sources helps maintain the overall security of your environment. Additionally, consider using a private container registry to manage and store container images, as this provides better control and visibility over the images used in your organization.

6. Monitor and Manage Vulnerabilities in Third-Party Components

Many applications rely on third-party components, such as open source libraries or frameworks, which can introduce vulnerabilities if not properly managed. To mitigate this risk, continuously monitor and manage vulnerabilities in these components throughout their life cycle. This includes staying informed about new vulnerabilities, security patches and updates for the third-party components used in your applications. 

Regularly update these components to their latest versions and replace any that are no longer maintained or have known security issues. By actively managing vulnerabilities in third-party components, you can reduce potential attack vectors and improve the overall security of your containerized applications.

7. Use Comprehensive Vulnerability Databases

Using comprehensive and up-to-date vulnerability databases for container vulnerability scanning is essential for ensuring that your scanning process covers known vulnerabilities in operating systems, programming languages, libraries and third-party components. Comprehensive databases provide information about a wide range of vulnerabilities, including newly discovered ones, helping you stay ahead of emerging threats. 

By leveraging up-to-date vulnerability databases, your scanning solution can effectively identify potential security risks and provide actionable insights for remediation. This practice is crucial for maintaining a strong security posture and ensuring that your containerized applications remain secure and resilient against threats.

8. Implement Image Signing and Verification

Image signing is the process of cryptographically signing container images to ensure their integrity and authenticity. By signing container images, you can establish a chain of trust, making it difficult for attackers to tamper with or replace the images without detection. When an image is signed, a digital signature is generated using a private key, which is then appended to the image metadata. 

During the verification process, the signature is checked against a trusted public key to confirm the image’s authenticity and integrity. Implementing image signing and verification as part of your container vulnerability scanning process can prevent the deployment of tampered or malicious images, adding an additional layer of security to your container environment.


In conclusion, container vulnerability scanning plays a crucial role in maintaining a secure and compliant container environment. As container technology continues to evolve, staying informed about new threats, vulnerabilities and best practices in container security is essential for ensuring the scanning process remains up-to-date and effective. 

By continuously improving container vulnerability scanning processes and educating development, operations and security teams about the importance of container security, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches and data loss, safeguarding their valuable assets and maintaining the trust of their customers and partners.

Gilad David Mayaan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Imperva, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership.

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