Cloud-Native Networking
Will 2018 Be the Year of Serverless Computing?
Serverless computing is not new, but it has yet to assume as much importance as containers. Will that change in 2018? The recent KubeCon event suggests serverless is about to explode as ...
The Rise of the Service Mesh for Microservices Apps
Service meshes are the latest, greatest thing in the microservices and containers world. Let’s take a look at what a service mesh is and how they are being used to improve microservices ...
Tigera Marries Container Networking to Service Mesh
All the technologies required to deploy containers in the enterprise can be a bit overwhelming to consume. With an eye toward making that easier to achieve Tigera has launched Tigera CNX, a ...
Buoyant Adds Open Source Service Mesh for Kubernetes
As IT organizations begin to deploy microservices at scale on Kubernetes clusters, many of them are discovering the need for a service mesh to more easily manage them. Buoyant, at the Kubecon ...
Sumo Logic Combines Docker and Kubernetes Analytics
At the AWS re:Invent 2017 conference today, Sumo Logic unfurled an instance of its machine data analytics service that combines analysis of log data generated by Docker containers and the Kubernetes cluster ...
Pepperdata Project Hosts HDFS on Kubernetes
Pepperdata has launched a project aiming to enable the Apache Spark in-memory computing framework for big data analytics applications. Pepperdata CTO Sean Suchter says the Hadoop File System (HDFS) on Kubernetes open-source ...
IBM Extends Container Storage Support
As the number of stateful applications being developed using Docker containers increases, a battle has broken out among storage vendors anxious to grab a share of an emerging class of workloads. The ...
Microsoft: Higher Levels of Abstraction Needed
Now that a level of détente has been established between the Kubernetes community and supporters of rival approaches such as Docker Swarm, the focus of the container community needs to shift more ...
Kong Launches Enterprise Edition of API Platform
A newly rebranded Kong Inc., formerly known as Mashape, this week announced the availability of Kong Enterprise Edition, a version of the company’s open-source application programming interface (API) management platform that has ...
5 Software Delivery Challenges that Containers Won’t Solve
Containers are great, but they’re not a panacea. Here are five challenges within the software delivery process that Docker containers can’t help you to solve. To be clear, I don’t mean to ...