
VMware Adds Self-Hosted Edition of Tanzu Control Plane
VMware announced an edition of its Tanzu Kubernetes control plane that IT teams can deploy in an on-premises IT environment or in a public cloud ...

Containers vs. Bare Metal, VMs and Serverless
As I explained in my prior blog, Containers Practices Gap Assessment, containerizing software is valuable for DevOps. Yet, as I work with clients on their DevOps journeys, I continue to encounter organizations that ...

VMware Tanzu Updates Simplify Kubernetes Management
VMware today simultaneously moved to make it simpler to build cloud-native applications and manage the fleets of Kubernetes clusters they are deployed on. Version 1.5 of VMware Tanzu, a curated distribution of ...

VMware Extends Kubernetes Reach to Bare Metal Platforms
At the Mobile World Congress conference, VMware today extended its Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) framework to make it possible to run disaggregated and virtualized radio access network (RAN) functions directly on ...

VMware Embraces Kubernetes APIs in VMware vSphere 8
At the VMworld Explore conference this week, VMware announced that the latest version of the VMware vSphere platform now supports the Kubernetes application programming interface (API). That support enables DevOps teams to ...

Cloud Foundry Foundation Adds Korifi PaaS Project for Kubernetes
The Cloud Foundry Foundation (CFF) launched a beta of the open source Korifi platform-as-a-service (PaaS) environment for Kubernetes that is based mainly on code contributed by VMware. Ram Iyengar, developer advocate for ...

Survey Sees IT Teams Taking Control of K8s Clusters
A survey of 776 software development and IT professionals published this week by VMware indicates IT operations teams and platform/cloud architects are assuming responsibility for managing Kubernetes clusters as they are deployed ...

VMware Updates Tanzu Platform to Ease K8s App Deployments
VMware has made generally available an update to its Tanzu Application Platform that makes it simpler to deploy and manage application workloads across multiple Kubernetes clusters. In addition, VMware includes support for ...

How VMware Tanzu Changes the Cloud Computing Equation
Rajeev Bhardwaj, vice president for cloud provider software at VMware, talks with Mike Vizard about how he believes Kubernetes—in the form of VMware Tanzu—is changing the cloud computing equation. The video is ...

VMware Adds Capability to Secure Container Runtimes
VMware this week announced it is making available container runtime security capabilities in a VMware Carbon Black Cloud Container Advanced Bundle. Shemer Schwarz, senior director of product management for VMware, says this ...