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January 2025
VMware Migration Strategies
The landscape around leveraging VMWare with AWS has changed dramatically in the past year. In this session, Presidio will discuss some of these changes, reasons... Sponsored By Presidio Register
Unlocking Your Core Business Potential With Kubernetes, Without It Being a Distraction
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way businesses deploy and manage their applications, offering unmatched scalability, flexibility, and resilience. However, managing and upgrading Kubernetes can divert critical... Sponsored By Fairwinds Register
Reduce operations risk and cut costs with modern private cloud
The demand for agility and cost efficiency in enterprise IT has never been greater. Legacy virtualization solutions often leave organizations stuck between rising costs, vendor... Sponsored By Platform9 Register
DevSecOps “Friends”, Webinar Series: The One with the Governance Glow-Up
Whether you’re tackling GDPR, HIPAA, or industry-specific compliance, you’ll leave with actionable insights to ensure your processes are secure, efficient, audit-ready, and as smooth as... Sponsored By Opentext Register
Optimizing AKS costs with Azure Spot VMs
Are you taking full advantage of Azure Spot VMs to maximize the cost efficiency of your AKS workloads? In this session, Spot by NetApp Product... Sponsored By Spot By NetApp Register
Mastering Team Development: Top 5 Kubernetes Best Practices
Kubernetes is great for scaling apps but not so much for the teams building the apps. Running a productive shop on Kubernetes is more than... Sponsored By Codiac Register