Kubernetes Vs. Serverless: Day 2 Operations

Kubernetes and serverless have emerged as two leading technologies that facilitate the development, deployment and maintenance of cloud-native applications. While Kubernetes specializes in the orchestration of containerized applications, serverless computing abstracts away infrastructure management, allowing developers to focus solely on code. 

This article explores the concept of Day 2 operations for both technologies, discussing how they handle ongoing maintenance and management tasks after an application has been deployed. Furthermore, we compare and contrast their deployment, security, monitoring and debugging processes, providing insights into their unique approaches and capabilities.

What Are Kubernetes and Serverless Day 2 Operations?

Day 2 operations refer to the ongoing maintenance, management and optimization of a system or service after it has been deployed or launched. This includes tasks such as monitoring performance, troubleshooting issues, updating software and security and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

When comparing Kubernetes and serverless, day 2 operations vary significantly due to their underlying architecture and management principles.

Common Day 2 Operations in Kubernetes and Serverless

Kubernetes Day 2 Operations

Kubernetes is an open source platform that automates the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. Some common day 2 operations in a Kubernetes environment include:

  • Cluster management: Monitor resource usage (CPU/memory), manage node capacity (scaling up/down) and update software versions (patching/upgrading) to ensure your cluster is running optimally.
  • Persistent storage management: Configure storage classes for dynamic provisioning or create persistent volume claims manually to store application data across pod restarts.
  • Ingress/egress traffic control: Set up ingress controllers like NGINX or HAProxy for load balancing external traffic into the cluster and configure network policies to control egress traffic from pods based on specific rules or requirements.
  • Maintenance and troubleshooting: Identify issues with deployments through logs and metrics collection, debug problems using tools like kubectl or custom scripts/plugins and perform rolling updates without downtime when necessary.

Serverless Day 2 Operations

Serverless architecture enables developers to build and deploy applications without managing infrastructure. The cloud provider handles scaling, patching and maintaining the underlying infrastructure. Common day 2 operations in a serverless environment include:

  • Function management: Monitor function execution (invocations/errors), manage function versions/aliases for seamless updates or rollbacks and set up event sources to trigger functions automatically.
  • Performance optimization: Analyze function performance metrics (duration/memory usage) to identify bottlenecks and adjust concurrency settings or provisioned capacity as needed for optimal resource utilization.
  • Security and compliance: Implement proper access controls (IAM roles/policies) to secure your functions, monitor logs/events for suspicious activity and comply with data privacy regulations like GDPR or HIPAA when handling sensitive information.
  • Error handling and debugging: Implement error handling strategies within your code (e.g., retries with exponential backoff) to minimize user impact during failures and use tools like AWS X-Ray or Google Cloud Trace for distributed tracing/debugging across multiple services/functions.

Kubernetes vs. Serverless in Day 2: What Is the Difference?

Let’s compare Kubernetes and serverless in terms of deployment, security, monitoring and debugging.


Kubernetes deployments require defining resources like pods, services and ingress controllers through YAML configuration files or Helm charts. These configurations provide granular control over application components but can be complex. In contrast, Serverless deployments (e.g., AWS Lambda or Azure Functions) are simpler since the cloud provider automatically manages infrastructure scaling based on demand.


In Kubernetes environments, security is achieved through network policies for pod-to-pod communication restrictions and role-based access control (RBAC) for user permissions management within the cluster. Service mesh technologies like Istio can enhance security by providing mutual TLS authentication between microservices.

In serverless architectures, the cloud provider secures the underlying infrastructure, but developers must still implement proper input validation to prevent attacks like SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS). Additionally, identity and access management (IAM) roles should be used to grant least privilege access to function execution environments.


In Kubernetes, Prometheus is a popular monitoring tool for Kubernetes clusters, collecting metrics from nodes and applications. Grafana can be used to visualize Prometheus data in dashboards. Elasticsearch and Kibana (ELK) are commonly used for log aggregation and analysis.

In serverless environments, there are specific serverless monitoring tools offered by the cloud provider. For example, in AWS, Amazon Lambda functions integrate with CloudWatch Metrics by default, providing insights into function performance and errors. Azure Functions similarly offer integration with Azure Application Insights. In addition, you can use distributed tracing tools like AWS X-Ray or Azure Monitor or instrumentation tools like OpenTelemetry to help identify bottlenecks across multiple services within serverless architectures.


In Kubernetes environments, developers have more control over the application environment. Debugging can be done by examining logs using kubectl commands or attaching debuggers directly to running containers. However, this level of access requires greater knowledge of the underlying infrastructure components, such as Docker containers or etcd databases.

In serverless architectures, debugging may be more challenging due to limited visibility into the execution environment. Developers must rely on logging output provided by cloud providers’ monitoring solutions, such as CloudWatch Logs or Azure Application Insights. Additionally, step functions can be employed in AWS Lambda workflows to simulate state transitions during testing.


The choice between Kubernetes and Serverless for day 2 operations largely depends on the specific needs and context of your project. Kubernetes provides more granular control over applications and infrastructure, offering powerful tools for monitoring, debugging and security. This control, however, comes with the complexity of managing and maintaining the underlying infrastructure. 

On the other hand, serverless runtime platforms simplify deployment and infrastructure management, allowing developers to focus more on coding and less on operations. Yet, this simplicity might lead to some constraints in debugging and limited visibility into the execution environment. Understanding these distinctions and aligning them with your project requirements will enable you to choose the most suitable technology for efficient, effective and secure day 2 operations.


Gilad David Mayaan

Gilad David Maayan is a technology writer who has worked with over 150 technology companies including SAP, Samsung NEXT, NetApp and Imperva, producing technical and thought leadership content that elucidates technical solutions for developers and IT leadership.

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